PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (2024)

PeopleAdmin is the Davis Campus' software solution for managing position descriptions, classifications and compensation actions.

Access PeopleAdmin 7

PeopleAdmin Used On Davis Campus For Compensation Actions:​

  • Initiation and approval workflow for classification decisions
  • New positions
  • Re-classes
  • Stipend and equity actions
  • One-time payments (Health only / Campus continues using AggieService)
Job Builder Replaced PeopleAdmin at Health UC Davis Health and SOM/SON transitioned from PA to Job Builder on June 4, 2024.Davis Campus moves to Job Builder in September 2024.

More Benefits/Features ofPeopleAdmin
PeopleAdmin 7 is a software solution for managing position descriptions and classifications and is designed to meet the unique needs of human resources organizations.

  • Updated look and feel has “worklist” concept for each user to show current tasks for position requests and compensationactions
  • Position descriptions are easy to access, create and update
  • Updated reporting and introduction of dashboards
  • Electronic interfaces with UCPath and other systems
  • Enhanced security protocols and processes

PeopleAdmin Training and Job Aids

  • Navigating & Searching
  • Job Aid: Navigating & Searching in PeopleAdmin

    Recording: Navigating & Searching (34 minutes, UCD Health Training 8-23-21)

  • Review & Approve PeopleAdmin Requests
  • Job Aid: Reviewing & Approving PeopleAdmin Requests

    Recording: Reviewing & Approving PeopleAdmin Requests(5 minutes, UCD Health Training 8-23-21)

  • Recruitments / New Position Descriptions
  • Job Aid: Recruitments with New Position andReplacement Recruitments

    Recording: Recruitment Actions (32 minutes, UCD Health Training 8-23-21)
    Note for Davis Campus users: the procedure is different for Health but the system functions are the same.

  • Comp Actions / Position Updates
  • Recording: Position Actions / Modifications (11 minutes, UCD Health Training 8-23-21)
    Note for Davis Campus users: the procedure is different for Health but the system functions are the same.

    Job Aid:Comp Actions / Position Updates
    This guide includes instructions on:
    > Position Updates / Corrections
    > Reclassification Requests
    >Stipend Requests
    > Equity Requests

    Job Aid: One-Time Payments (UC Davis Health only)

  • Vacating & Seating for Position Descriptions
  • Job Aid: Vacating and/or Inactivating a Position

    Job Aid: Seating an Employee into a Position Description

  • Role-Based Training
  • The following materials and recordings are from training sessions presented in August of 2021 before the roll-out of PeopleAdmin v7.

    Davis Campus: Service Channel and SSO Onboarding-Only Users (8/17/21)
    >Presentation Content (PDF)
    >Session Recording Emailed to invitees 8/24/21

    Davis Campus: Level 3 Approvers and View-Only Users (8/17/21)
    >Presentation Content (PDF)
    >Session Recording (1 hr, 3 mins. Available until 11/15/21)

    Health Campus: Department Submitters and Approvers (8/23/21)
    >Presentation Content (PDF)
    >Session Recordings(for full session, watch videos in number order)

  • Changing aJob Description(UC Davis Health)
  • Nurse Recruitment

    Changes to Job Description after Finalized by CompensationRequired Action
    Change Working TitleTalent Acquisition can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change Job Title/Job Code

    The department needs to resubmit the recruitment request and start recruitment over.

    • Note:Changes from CN2 to CN3 (same department) or CN2 to CN1 may be requested via Compensation Services without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change DepartmentThe department needs to resubmit the recruitment request and start recruitment over.
    Change Position’s FTEThe department needs to resubmit the recruitment request and start recruitment over.
    Change Building / Location CodeTalent Acquisition can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change Reports To (Supervisor)Talent Acquisition can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change Essential ResponsibilitiesThe department needs to resubmit the PeopleAdmin request and start recruitment over.
    Change Minimum QualificationsThe department needs to resubmit the PeopleAdmin request and start recruitment over.
    Change Preferred QualificationsThe department needs to resubmit the PeopleAdmin request and start recruitment over.
    Change Work EnvironmentTalent Acquisition or Department can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.

    Staff Recruitment

    Changes to Job Description after Finalized by CompensationRequired Action
    Change Working TitleTalent Acquisition can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change Job Title/Job CodeThe department needs to resubmit the recruitment request and start recruitment over.
    Change DepartmentThe department needs to resubmit the recruitment request and start recruitment over.
    Change Position’s FTEThe department needs to resubmit the recruitment request and start recruitment over.
    Change Building / Location CodeTalent Acquisition can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change Reports To (Supervisor)Talent Acquisition can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.
    Change Essential ResponsibilitiesThe department needs to resubmit the PeopleAdmin request and start recruitment over.
    Change Minimum QualificationsThe department needs to resubmit the PeopleAdmin request and start recruitment over.
    Change Preferred QualificationsThe department needs to resubmit the PeopleAdmin request and start recruitment over.
    Change Work EnvironmentTalent Acquisition or Department can request Compensation to change without resubmitting the recruitment request.

PeopleAdmin FAQs & Tips

  • NEW: Get more specific search returns - use 6 digits
  • To help with a more specific search return, leading zeros have been added to the beginning of the action numbers going forward.

    When searching for an action that has leading zeros, you will need to use all 6 digits (001000) to locate the action.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (2)

  • NEW: Where do I enter shift information in my recruitment request?
  • Tip: Use the justification section of your recruitment request to identify the specific shift of the position you are hiring for.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (3)

  • NEW: How to backfill an existing position in PeopleAdmin.
  • If a position exists in PA, submit a Recruitment (Replacement) Request instead of a New Position Request.

    To initiate one:

    1.Go to “Position Descriptions” and select “UC Davis” (i.e., PD Library)

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (4)

    2. Search for the position that you need to submit a Recruitment (Replacement) Request against using the UCPath Position #.

    > Use the designated search bar for UCPath Position # in "More Search Options".

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (5)

    See illustration below. The PD should come up below your search engine.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (6)

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (7)

    3. Open the PD by clicking one of the sections the arrows are pointing to below. Any of these three should work.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (8)

    4. When the PD opens, it will give you the different request types to pick from on the top right side of your screen. Select “Recruitment (Replacement) Request”.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (9)

  • NEW:How to Find and View a Template from the PD Library.
  • 1. Go to Position Descriptions and select “UC Davis”

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (10)

    2.On Saved Searches, select (Global) – Health Templates for Health or (Global) – Campus Templates for campus. The page will refresh after you make a selection.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (11)

    3.You may use the search bar to look for the template you wish to view, then click “Search”. In the example below, we used part of a position (working title). Other search options are also available if you click on “More Search Options”. Or, you can browse through the list of templates if you wish.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (12)

    4. When you find the template you wish to view, select it by clicking on the Position Description Number, Position (Working Title) or Actions > View

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (13)

    5. You can view the template to ensure you find the correct template you'd like to clone.
    > Do NOT use the template to submit an action on, but instead notate the PD # and then follow the steps for "How to Clone a Template for a New Position Request".

  • NEW:How to Clone a Template for a New Position Request
  • Follow these steps when you create a new position description, and you wish to clone a template for your new position request.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (14)

    1. Complete the required fields for Position (Working Title) and Organizational Unit.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (15)

    2.Click on Saved Searches and select (Global) – Health Templates (if you’re cloning a Health Template). The page will refresh with a list of Health Templates.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (16)

    3.You may use the search bar to look for the template you wish to clone, then click “Search”. In the example below, we used part of a position (working title). You can also search by PD # here. Other search options are also available if you click on “More Search Options”. Or, you can browse through the list of templates if you wish.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (17)

    4.When you find the template you wish to clone, select it by clicking on the radio button

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (18)

    5. Either on the top right or bottom right of your page, click on “Start Position Request”.This will initiate your New Position Request with all the information from the template copied into your request.

    PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (19)

  • Is there a "wildcard" to use when searching for PDs or Requests?
  • Yes! If you're searching a field and want the search to look anywhere in the field, not just at the start, enter a percent sign: %.

    For instance, if you want to find Analyst Working Titles:

    If you enter:Working Title = Analyst, you’ll only find jobs where the working title STARTS with Analyst

    However, if you enterWorking Title = %Analyst, you'll see a list of all jobs that have the word Analyst anywhere in the working title (Analyst, Business Analyst, Financial Analyst, etc.)

  • What is a skeleton Position Description for UC Davis Health users?
  • For a comp action or position update to take place, a Position Description (PD) must exist in PeopleAdmin. “Skeleton” Position Descriptions were created via an upload from UCPath – but for positions with incumbent employees only; no vacant positions.

    The skeleton PDs include information from UCPath Position including Name, Work Email, Employee ID, UCPath Position #, Div/Dept, Job Code & Related Info.

    When departments need comp/position action, they will need to first update PD details, with a few exceptions (see below).

  • For UCDH, how do I start a recruitment request for an existing Position that is vacant but doesn't appear in PeopleAdmin?
  • Please look up the existing UCPath Position number and then reference it while following the process for a New Recruitment request, as described in this job aid. On the Notes page, reference that this is a recruitment for an existing vacant position and include the UCPath position number.
  • For UCDH skeleton position descriptions, do I need to fill in all fields before processing any kind of position update?
  • For UCDH, "skeleton" position descriptions were uploaded with minimal data from UCPath as part of the implementation of PeopleAdmin In Sept, 2021. For most actions, you'll need to fill in all of the standard required fields of the Position Description (PD) before proceeding. There are a few exceptions, however.

    One-Time Payments
    Completion of all PD fields is NOT required for One-Time Payments.

    For Equity Actions Not Involving a Change in Job Duties:
    Only the following fields are required.
    Other fields that are marked as required in the system can be filled with an asterisk (*) for text fields or with a zero (0) for number fields.

    >Reports to Name – string field
    >ReportsToJob Title – string field
    >Job Summary – text field
    >Total Number of Staff FTE Supervised – string field
    >Positions Supervised – text field
    >Essential Responsibilities (Percent(%) of Time, Function, Duties – number field, string field, and text field, respectively
    >Outdoor Work Environment – drop-down field
    >Background Check for Critical Position – drop-down field
    >Cash-Handling Position – drop-down field
    >Mandated Reporter under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and UC Policy – drop-down field

  • Is there the capability to export a PD to Word so it can be edited and/or reviewed by staff without PeopleAdmin access?
  • There isn't the capability to export to Word but it can be saved as a PDF for routing and review outside of PeopleAdmin.
  • UC Davis Health Transition / Cutover
  • Will the Position Description Library in PeopleAdmin be accessible to supervisor staff?If your supervisory staff is provisioned for submitter or approver roles in PeopleAdmin, i.e., Level 1, 2 or 3, they will have access to position descriptions within their area of responsibility.
    Will this recruitment action replace the current ticket in Aggie Service? If so, will it follow the Vacancy Review Form (VRF) approval by the Vacancy Management Committee (VMC)?PeopleAdmin will replace AggieService for submitting any Comp action. The approved VRF form should be included as an attachment when submitting a position description for recruitment in PeopleAdmin.
    What will happen to the cases that have already been submitted in Aggie Service, but are still open/ not complete, when the changeover occurs?Cases that have already been submitted to Compensation Service via AggieService before PeopleAdmin goes live will be completed in AggieService. Cases that have been submitted in AggieService but are pending leadership approval needs to be submitted to Compensation Services before PeopleAdmin goes live; otherwise, they will be canceled and will have to be resubmitted via PeopleAdmin.
    How does this process apply to Academic Personnel positions at the Med Center?PeopleAdmin is used only for staff positions which include represented, policy-covered, staff physicians. Academic Personnel positions continue to be administered through the Office of Academic Personnel.
    If we no longer need to submit an AggieService ticket once PeopleAdmin goes live, how would we provide funding, FTE and other information for a position we are recruiting for?Funding, FTE, and other information are collected in PeopleAdmin as part of request submission.
    How will approver levels at the department level be determined? Will the department be asked to submit a list?As default, AggieService submitters will be given PeopleAdmin Level 2 access. AggieService approvers will be given Level 3 access. Compensation is working with Department/Division leaders to determine if access levels need to be changed in PeopleAdmin.
    As position descriptions are revised over time in PeopleAdmin, will older versions be archived and available, if needed?Yes, all historical versions of position descriptions will remain accessible in PeopleAdmin.
    Will historical position descriptions approved prior to the launch of PeopleAdmin still be available?Yes, all historical versions of position descriptions will remain accessible in OnBase. They will be requested through an AggieService ticket as they are today.
    Will communication with Recruiter/Compensation Analyst be via PeopleAdmin or email?Communication to post a position for an approved position description will not change. Once a position description is reviewed and approved by a Compensation Analyst, a Compensation Techncian creates or modifies a position in UCPath and creates a job opening. That automatically routes to the department for approval. When it's approved, Talent Acquistion (Recruiter) receives notification that the position is ready to prepare for posting. They will access PeopleAdmin to view the position description and obtain additional information needed to create a job posting.
    Will the HRBPs have access across departments?If a Health HRBP currently has AggieService access as submitter or approver, they will likely have access as Level 1, 2 or 3 in PeopleAdmin with access to departments that they have submitter or approver privileges for currently.
    Will existing PDs be imported into PeopleAdmin by HR?No, they will not automatically be transferred into PeopleAdmin. Compensation Services will have staff dedicated specifically to support departments to import their existing PD's. Position descriptions needed to open a recruitment will take priority.
    I am part of a small unit, in which I serve as both the initiator and the approver, is this going to be a problem?There should be separation of duties whenever possible. An initiator should not approve their own actions. It is advised a manager be assigned as approver.

Where PeopleAdmin Fits in Recruiting Process

  • UC Davis Health
  • PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (20)

  • Davis Campus
  • PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (21)

Background on PeopleAdmin 7 Release

In Sept. 2021, PeopleAdmin 7 was:​

PeopleAdmin: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Position Descriptions (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.